5 Situations When Using Hard Money Loans is Best
Do you know when choosing hard money loans is best? Although they’re not ideal for every situation, there are times when no other form of financing works quite as well. Hard money loans , also referred to as private money, can make a world of difference in certain circumstances. If you’re exploring your financing options for a project, knowing the benefits and when they perform best can help ensure your plan gets off the ground fast and finishes on schedule, all while keeping your expenses as low as possible. 1) Fix-and-Flips: One of the most common uses for private money is home rehabs. Investors prefer it because they can get cash in hand fast and properties face less scrutiny then they might with other forms of lending. 2) Fix-and-Holds: Many investors prefer to build up a portfolio of rentals rather than turning property around fast. While traditional loans still work well for this, they can’t always be processed fast enough and sometimes homes don’t qualify for them based on th...